Rajsha Productions, an Australia based Production company is releasing the Tamil song "Ilamei" to a worldwide audience on Oct 14th 2013. This song has been composed and produced by Philip John from Sydney Australia who has previously composed for a few Kollywood Films with his brother Jerry under the name Philip Jerry including the 1995 film Thotta Chinungi. After many years, Philip John has again scored for a Tamil project. Toronto based artist, Tha Prophecy has sung the vocals for this track. Tha Prophecy, a Canadian Tamil rapper, has recently worked with Kollywood's A list music directors including Yuvan Shanker Raja, namely for Adhi Bhagavan and Thillu Mullu. This time he has collaborated with Rajsha Productions and sung in Tamil for this Australian project. Producer of the project Ghirija Jayarraj who is based in Melbourne wrote the lyrics for this song. This International project initiated as a teaser for a bilingual feature film, which Rajsha Productions is looking to venture into. As part of the teaser a music video has been made for which "Ilamei" the song was composed. In line with the feature film's theme, "Ilamei" the song celebrates youth and life.