To illustrate ephemeralness, the video goes through some of the important events that occurred in the history of the Universe.
Ephemeral: a small piano sonata composed by Ziryeb (, to the memory of Naima Tama, a family friend, who died in her late thirties by a sudden heart attack. The piece was played on the piano and recorded as it is while being composed on the fly.
When the piece was played (and composed at the same time), the thought that was inspiring the piece was thinking about the ephemeral nature of things. Everything in the Universe changes, dies, etc... Nothing stays the same ever. Sometimes, it is a frightening thought that ephemeralness is controlling the whole Universe, not just us. Even if we can live for eternity, the Universe does not seem to have a bright and eternal future. The Universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. Either this acceleration will continue forever (in which case a big rip will destroy everything in the Universe), or the Universe starts shrinking back towards a big crunch. If the Universe stops expanding and remains still, that would be an ideal situation, except that the Universe will eventually run out of matter (the stars will run out of their Hydrogen fuel, and all Hydrogen in the Universe may eventually run out as well, and there is no future in that). The only guarantee of an eternal Universe (like an eternal paradise for example, as described in the monotheist religions), would be the intervention of God, the creator of everything. Only God can stop the expansion of the Universe from destroying everything, and make sure matter does not run out in the Universe if we want the Universe to be eternal.