This is my first cartoon length 3D animation production. The story begins at Elmer Elint's office at Arlington Hall Station in Arlington, Virginia. Elmer is a specialist for the ASA (Army Security Agency). Colonel Mororles calls Elmer to his office and assigns Elmer to a treacherous courier run to the Pentagon. The story is fiction as well as the characters. Elmer is vigilant in his work but, if he has one fault, it is his liking to play pranks on the new people. On one occasion the joke turns out not like he expected when a beautiful, but ditzy, new girl reports to his office. The new girl turns out not to be the typical female soldier in any sense of the word. But then neither is Elmer a typical soldier. He is a bit of a rebel and is not above breaking Army rules. Is Elmer taken in by the beautiful new girl? Does Elmer cross the line? Could this have ever happened in real life? You get to decide!