“Wishes” is an Iranian famous song which is performed by Professor Pezhman Mosleh who is an international singer. He is also a great composer, poet, professor of philosophy and aesthetic and scholar in music history. He is a known Iranian composer who creates his pieces with his philosophical and aesthetic point of view. According to South African New site (SABC.co.za) he was inspired by Beethoven and Chopin to compose his pieces. Professor Mosleh is a pioneer in Iranian Neoromanticism music style with his latest consonant music album “Whispers for peace and love” which has attracted the attention of so many artists, musician and philosophy professors in Iran and abroad. The pieces in this album are portrayer and approach film music. One of his music works is the first Persian song for Nelson Mandela which was dedicated to him and the world. The song was broadcasted in many sites such as like SABC, ARTMATTERS, nigeriabusinessfile, NewsBcctorento, Channel 24, Ibiba blogspot , Vancouver (Straight), etc have written about Professor MOSLEH, and Mandela song.