JUN JIN, a member of the longest-running Korean legendary idol group SHINHWA, gave a comeback performance on Sept. 10, 2015 on 'M Countdown' of channel m.net. His mini solo album, which was released on the 7th of September, is titled "#REAL#," and the title song is called "wowwowwow" and also features ERIC, a leader/rapper of SHINHWA. JUN JIN, with his amazing dance skills, is also known as "Korean Michael Jackson" and "JUNstin JINberlake (as in Justin Timberlake)." In this comeback performance, JUN JIN's dance skills shone through his articulated control of dynamics. Please enjoy JUN JIN's amazing performance! :) Official M/V: youtube.com/watch?v=XSu2pKPvgo8 for more info: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinhwa shinhwacompany.co.kr