It has been a long festive month for the Bachchan family. After hosting their annual star-studded Diwali bash and celebrating Aishwarya's birthday soon after, the youngest member of the family - Aaradhya Bachchan turned five on November 16. The Bachchans had a grand celebration for the little munchkin on November 20. The star kids of the film industry were in full attendance in their cutesy avatars for the pink-themed party. While Aamir Khan's son Azad was accompanied by his mom Kiran Rao, Twinkle Khanna gave company to daughter Nitara at the do. On the other hand, Sanjay Dutt's twins Shahraan and Iqra came with mommy Maanayata whereas Sonali Bendre came with her son Ranveer. Aaradhya's cousin Vihaan also came to the birthday bash with Aishwarya's brother Aditya Rai, his mother and grandmother Brindya Rai.