José Neves and Irene Franco give beautiful and vivid demonstrations of two of the many dances and themes that they led in their Eros vivencia at the IBF European Biodanza Congress - Holland. July 7th - 10th 2016, Eindhoven : 1) Rapture in Parting and Returning and 2) Love and Passion. In Biodanza we use dance to explore all of life’s facets, such as Vitality, Creativity, Affection, Transcendence and Sensuality, and in this sublime vivencia (dance session) we explored ‘Eros’ - passionate love, romantic love, intimate love - all facilitated by perfectly chosen evocative music. To be able to dive in and explore the depths of such aspects with others, without having to be explicitly ‘sexual’, is one of the great gifts of Biodanza. 1) Rapture in Parting and Returning. Out of our affection for our lover, a passion bursts, a desire is triggered - suddenly we’re alive… in this moment we embody a savage splendour. It’s a rapture; it makes us wild; we crave our lover, yet we have fights, but we make up; we have to part but are compelled to return and reunite in our passion - I want to be with you, then I can no longer be with you – so I go away, but I miss you, so I come back. The invitation was to dance this very intense rapture of passion – to look at each other and not to look, so we can look more intensely, more deeply. 2) Love and Passion. When we concentrate all the things and people and love we have ever desired, all into just one person… in that moment, it’s eternal. We fall into both the love AND the passion, and to hold both - that’s an art… some know how to be in the passion, but not the love and how to care for the other. The invitation was for a dance of fluidity, with caressing, with caring, with opening your heart to the other, not only wanting, but listening to the other, considering that other as he or she is, and holding the space for this person to enter.