The Man Who Saved the World, a feature film/documentary, tells the true yet nearly untold story of Stanislav Petrov, the Soviet lieutenant colonel who single-handedly prevented nuclear Armageddon at the height of the Cold War. Stanislav Petrov, I'm sure you have never heard of him, and yet you, me and everyone who will ever live is and will be alive thanks to him. We use the term 'hero' all too commonly and Hollywood gives us a continuous diet of 'hero' characters, Petrov is the real thing, a real hero, who really did save the world. Many films aspire to tackle macro-society issues and intimate human relationships within the same story, but it often results in over-exposition or a muddy story with underdeveloped characters. "The Man Who Saved the World" succeeds in touching the audience with an important societal concern, while also developing the connective tissues to make us feel for a raw, flawed human being. This feature could not come more highly recommended. A truly wonderful and amazing film.