Navicat Report Builder allows you to set search criteria in your reports. In this tutorial, we will create a search report to filter the report data.
First, open an existing report in design view and go to the “Data” tab. Click on the “Search” icon of the data pipeline to launch the “Query Designer”. Under the “Search” tab, drag the field which you would like to set search criteria on and select the operator.
You can click on the “AutoSearch” option if you would like to set up search fields so that the users who open the report can enter their own search values. Another option is to fill in a value if you would like to set it as the default. For example, here we will enable the “AutoSearch” option.
Now, click the “Preview” tab to view the report. A “Search Data” icon will appear if the “AutoSearch” option has been enabled. Click the “Search Data” icon and a search window will pop-up for entering search criteria. Finally, click OK to show the result.