Navicat allows logical grouping of connections, tables, views, functions, events, queries, backups, schedules, etc, by using the “Virtual Grouping” feature. In this tutorial, we will show you how to use virtual grouping to manage your database objects logically.
If you cannot see or add object groups, you can uncheck the “Flatten Object List” option in “View” from the main menu. Alternatively, if you cannot see or add connection groups, you can uncheck the “Flatten Connection” option in “View” from the main menu.
To create a new group, right-click and select “New Group”, and then give a group name. To move an object into a group, right-click the object and select “Move To” from the “Manage Group” option and select the target group. On the other hand, right-click the object and select “Exclude from Group” from the “Manage Group” option to move an object out of the group.