USB not showing in my computer? USB not showing in my computer windows 10? USB drive not showing in file explorer?
Generally, if you you connected a USB drive and Windows doesn’t show up in the file manager, you should first check the Disk Management window.
1, If you don’t see the drive in the Disk Management window at all, try these troubleshooting steps:
Power On the Drive, if Necessary:
Plug It Into a Different USB Port:
Avoid USB Hubs:
Try a Different Computer:
2.If You See the Drive in Disk Management, and It Has Partitions
Now, right-click the partition on the drive in Disk Management and select “Change Drive Letter and Paths” to add a driver letter.
3. If You See the Drive in Disk Management, But It’s Empty
Try using MiniTool Partition Wizard to recover lost partitions as well as data.
3. If Windows Asks You to Format the Partition When You Insert It
First, you should recover data from the not formatted USB drive.
Second, format the unformatted drive.