This video shows evidence of the existence still of Hate Groups in the app Discord. Davlos, a member of Imperium / Legacy Gaming Guild, decided to infer that the Germans needed to have another huge picnic on the boarder, referring to the fact that i am Polish. I called him a nazi and he just loved it, posting the pepe the fog over and over. then mocks me claiming to be Jewish, all the while telling other white supremacists to harass me, saying "make sure to mention German picnics, it sets him off" His comments can me found in the community discussion channel and guild diplomacy channel. This video is of the others who decided to attack me over defending myself over his comments. It is disgusting, but because the comments were made in direct messages, Steven, the game developer stats he can do nothing. Here are the hate group lead actors Tirithel#6109 - Cynical Guild Davlos#0855 - Imeruim Guild - Legacy Gaming Risalo#0270 - Mirage Guild Leader