The story begins at Sir Richard's Mental Sanatorium, run by the strict and authoritative Dr. Khurana (Om Puri), along with the other two main doctors, Dr. Sunil (Jackie Shroff) and Dr. Tanvi Khurana (Kareena Kapoor), who is the daughter of Dr. Khurana. Dr. Tanvi has treated a female patient (Sulabha Arya) who wears no. 36 with love and proper care, rebelling against Dr Khurana's inhumane ways of dealing with mentally ill patients. As she gets discharged, Tanvi doesn't get acknowledged for her efforts, which devastate her and since then, has become embittered and vows to never come close to any patient, especially no. 36. Anand (Salman Khan) is brought to the mental sanatorium by a court order. His elder brother requests the doctors to admit him immediately. However, they insist on evaluating his mental condition before taking any decision. On being asked a few questions, Anand does not show any signs of insanity, and the doctors conclude that there is nothing wrong with him. Just then, Anand spots a housefly on the table. He tries to capture it but it evades him. While Anand's brother insists with the doctors, Anand suddenly becomes very violent, picking up a club and using it to hit everything the fly lands on. This convinces the doctors that he is indeed insane, and they finally admit him. Salman Khan as Anand Kareena Kapoor Khan as Dr. Tanvi Khurana Rimi Sen as Maya Om Puri as Dr. Khurana Jackie Shroff as Dr. Sunil Suniel Shetty as Karan (special appearance) Manoj Joshi as P. K. Narayan Anil Dhawan as Deepak Asrani as Asylum patient Arun Bakshi as Asylum patient Javed Khan as an asylum patient Kurush Deboo as Munna a.k.a. Idiot Sunil Shetty as Karan Atul Parchure Nagesh Bhonsle Shaurya Chauhan