Instrumental, guitar melody mixed with rock and progressive house music. Music fantasy mixing elements of jazz, blues, and rock with E.D.M. In this video is shown many of the known wind Gods. Including, Fūjin (風神) or Futen is the Japanese god of the wind and one of the eldest Shinto gods. The Greek wind god Zephyrus, Aeolus is the Greek father of all winds. Stribog ancient Russian Stribog, his name goes back to the ancient roots of "Strega", which means "big", "paternal uncle. The beautiful Goddess Scathach wind goddess of the underworld. Thor the God of thunder lightning and Storms. The music Is meant to depict all aspects of the winds. It's humongous volume its power. The wind is pleasantly refreshing and violently frightening. Towards the end, the last guitar solo Is a battle between Thor and the Storm Giants. Oh, why the Horse? horses were known to be the guardians of the winds. They are observing The battle between Thor and the giants. The circle map of all the winds of the earth Is included. This was one of my first guitar solo projects. Lots of sounds playing in the background. I played everything myself except the drums that I mixed different loops together. I find the wind to be interesting subject matter from any future projects. Your feedback is appreciated!!!