In this video Li Haidong from Bounty Resources Armenia ltd is explaining you details about How Office Life is deteriorating your Health. Since childhood only, we think office life to be a great life. We used to picture it as some white collar people sitting on chairs looking into some documents and someone paying paychecks to them. But when we get into a job, we come to terms with reality. The same fascinating office life seems extremely cruel to us except the “paychecks” part. To be frank a typical office life contains some work (which is not exactly “some” for us), a deadline (which is too near), and constant pressure from all sides and yes a handsome salary (that too not handsome for everyone). Bounty Resources, Bounty resources Armenia, Bounty Resources Armenia Ltd. Li Haidong Singapore believes you must maintain the work-life balance & don’t put much stress on your life due to office.