The film chronicles the early part of the life of Emperor Asoka. It begins with his career as a General in Taxila (modern-day Pakistan) and ends with the bloody conquest of the Kalinga country (modern day Odisha State) Emperor Chandragupta Maurya, grandfather of Asoka, of the Maurya empire, has decided to embrace Jainism and abdicate the throne of the empire in favour of his son Bindusara. But his grandson, Prince Asoka, claims his sword. The old emperor explains that this sword is evil and the sword demands blood and destruction. Ajay Sharma (Shah Rukh Khan) is a young boy who seeks revenge for his father's death which was a result of the actions of his trusted employee Madan Chopra (Dalip Tahil) Chopra has two daughters; the elder is Seema (Shilpa Shetty) and the younger is Priya (Kajol). Ajay finds a way to cozy up to Seema in a plan to take revenge upon her father. Chopra meets Vicky Malhotra (Ajay disguised with brown contact lenses), who charms both him and Priya. This way, he manages to date both Seema and Priya using different identities. Later, testing Seema over their love, Ajay and Seema write suicide notes when her father arranges her marriage with someone else. He then tells her he was simply testing her and rips his own note while keeping hers