Hiroshi Katanishi is an expert of the European Judo Federation.
この映画や他の映画はここで購入できます。 https://www.ebay.com/itm/HIROSHI-KATANISHI-Judo-seminar-2015-NAGE-WAZA-NE-WAZA-/153593417971
Specialist of the highest class. Conducts seminars around the world in the framework of the project "Improve your club". Winner of the 8th dan. This is the most sought-after expert compared to 20 other specialists working on this project. It is easier to name the countries where he has not been yet than to list his seminars. It should be noted that the judo technique, which he demonstrates at the seminar, is completely based on the Japanese school of education. Date of birth March 11, 1952. Judo technique, which Katanishi analyzed at the seminar. Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi. De-ashi-barai. O-soto-gari.
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