日本の悲劇の鍵11.03.2011.それはスカルとボーンズ322の組織による軍事ストライキでした.武器の種類はHAARPです.対象:日本,韓国,中国,インド,ロシア,その他の小国。軍事ストライキの目的は,放射線感染,人口破壊,種の減少です.推定敗北の数字は1-15億人です.偶然にも,軍の攻撃は削減され,非常に小さな犠牲者を出した.奇跡が起こったと言えます.すべてがはるかに悪化し,大規模になっていたはずです.軍のストライキはすぐに繰り返されるかもしれないので,リラックスすべきではありません.セキュリティの問題を解決する必要があります.明日は来ないかもしれない。The keys to the tragedy 11.03.2011 in Japan. It was a military strike by the Skull and Bones 322 organization. The type of weapon is HAARP. Targets: Japan, Korea, China, India, Russia, other small countries. The purpose of a military strike is radiation infection, population destruction, species reduction. The estimated defeat figure is 1-1.5 billion people. By chance, the military strike was curtailed and cost very small casualties. We can say that a miracle happened. Everything should have been much worse and on a huge scale. A military strike may soon repeat itself, so you should not relax. It is necessary to solve security issues today and now. Tomorrow may not come.
My name is Vladimir Shtogrin. I learn different religions, myths and legends, and explain them to common people. The planet entered the active stage of the apocalypse, and this has nothing to do with climate change. Absolutely all the events that are now happening are related to religion - I mean erthquackes, floods, volcano, tsunamis, etc. If these issues are not resolved, then humanity expects the fate of Atlantis - total destruction. Unfortunately, the prophecies about Japan do not promise anything good. According to prophecies, Japan goes under water, like USA. This is due to the keys of Hell and Death mentioned in the Bible, revelation of John the Theologian. If you are interesting to find more information about this - you can watch my russian channels https://my.mail.ru/mail/8000248/video/_myvideo https://vk.com/video/@savaveles https://ok.ru/savaveles https://zen.yandex.ru/id/623fbbef52b18a56204b27f0?lang=ru
My name is Vladimir Shtogrin. I learn different religions, myths and legends, and explain them to common people. The planet entered the active stage of the apocalypse, and this has nothing to do with climate change. Absolutely all the events that are now happening are related to religion - I mean erthquackes, floods, volcano, tsunamis, etc. If these issues are not resolved, then humanity expects the fate of Atlantis - total destruction. Unfortunately, the prophecies about Japan do not promise anything good. According to prophecies, Japan goes under water, like USA. This is due to the keys of Hell and Death mentioned in the Bible, revelation of John the Theologian. If you are interesting to find more information about this - you can watch my russian channels https://my.mail.ru/mail/8000248/video/_myvideo https://vk.com/video/@savaveles https://ok.ru/savaveles https://zen.yandex.ru/id/623fbbef52b18a56204b27f0?lang=ru