Solutions Integrated Medicine clinic is a chiropractic and physical therapy clinic that provides a variety of services to patients. The clinic's staff are highly trained in the field of physical therapy, chiropractic care, and massage therapy. They provide services for both children and adults with conditions such as bursitis, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, rotator cuff injury, and more. Call at 423-542-2913 for more information about bursitis shoulder in Tri Cities TN or visit our website.
Solutions Integrated Medicine
851 W. Elk Ave., Elizabethton, TN 37643
At Solutions Integrated Medicine, our goal is to change the face of healthcare by addressing not only the pain, but focusing on treating the cause of the symptoms to provide our patients with long-lasting results.
At Solutions Integrated Medicine, our goal is to change the face of healthcare by addressing not only the pain, but focusing on treating the cause of the symptoms to provide our patients with long-lasting results.