Dr. Cynthia Garbett is a psychiatrists in Salt Lake City UT. She has been practicing psychiatry for more than many years and is board certified in psychiatry and addiction medicine. Dr. Garbett also specializes in the treatment of substance use disorders including alcohol abuse/dependence and opiate addiction as well as gambling addiction; she also treats eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa; she has experience treating patients with chronic pain.
Dr. Cynthia Garbett
273 N. East Capitol St, Salt Lake City , UT 84103
Garbett Psychiatry in Salt Lake City is a board-certified practice that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders by developing personalized treatment plans using the latest evidence-based approaches and medication strategies.
273 N. East Capitol St, Salt Lake City , UT 84103
Garbett Psychiatry in Salt Lake City is a board-certified practice that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders by developing personalized treatment plans using the latest evidence-based approaches and medication strategies.
273 N. East Capitol St, Salt Lake City , UT 84103