Dr. Cynthia Garbett - Psychiatrists in Salt Lake City UT is committed to providing a comprehensive diagnosis process - making your treatment plan more targeted and effective.She is the founder of the Salt Lake Institute for Interpersonal Neurobiology and a faculty member at the University of Utah’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.
Dr. Cynthia Garbett
273 N. East Capitol St, Salt Lake City , UT 84103
Garbett Psychiatry in Salt Lake City is a board-certified practice that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders by developing personalized treatment plans using the latest evidence-based approaches and medication strategies.
273 N. East Capitol St, Salt Lake City , UT 84103
Garbett Psychiatry in Salt Lake City is a board-certified practice that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders by developing personalized treatment plans using the latest evidence-based approaches and medication strategies.
273 N. East Capitol St, Salt Lake City , UT 84103