Dr. Bruce Lowry is a chiropractor in Pleasant Grove, UT. He has been practicing for more than Many years and has helped many patients get pain relief from their back problems. Dr. Bruce Lowry does not just treat back pain but also deals with neck pain, headache, ear aches and more.
Dr. Bruce Lowry - Chiropractor Pleasant Grove UT
559 W State St, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
(801) 756-3888
Dr. Bruce Lowry has been freeing people from pain in the clinic in Pleasant Grove, UT. As a Chiropractor with experience, Dr. Lowry is committed to promoting optimal health and well being of patients. Our qualified health care personnel are highly trained to provide the best care in our clean and friendly environment so you feel at home.
559 W State St, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
(801) 756-3888
Dr. Bruce Lowry has been freeing people from pain in the clinic in Pleasant Grove, UT. As a Chiropractor with experience, Dr. Lowry is committed to promoting optimal health and well being of patients. Our qualified health care personnel are highly trained to provide the best care in our clean and friendly environment so you feel at home.
559 W State St, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
(801) 756-3888