Z Zurich Foundation has partnered with Plan India to bring about lasting change in the lives of 28800 girls of Rajasthan and Jharkhand with accelerated learning centered called BALIKA SHIVIRS. Z Zurich Foundation grants will ensure 3600 out-of-school girls of the age group of 13-18 years complete their Secondary or senior secondary school education through NIOS board. The program will also build the capacities of 3600 young women (19-24 years) in vocational training. Out-of-school girls who have passed grade X are selected and enrolled in NIOS for better livelihood opportunities. Balika Shivir alumni will form a network of girls – to influence additional 21600 girls. This is a unique model where girls will get empowered and then they empower their peers and eventually change the overall situation of girls in the 4 project districts.