Stay updated with videos from those you follow, conveniently from your Smart Phone or PC using the App. Also check out videos you watched yesterday and your favorite videos saved in your albums.
Enjoy your FC2 videos anytime, directly from the app.
Log in to your FC2 video account from the PC or Smart Phone site and start searching for videos
Add your favorite videos to My Album
Log in to the app with the same account and watch videos that have been added to your My Album.
With your FC2 account your viewing history, updated information and My Albums are conveniently synched between the Smart Phone site, PC and the App.
You can easily organize your favorite videos and save videos to watch later in My Albums. You can also choose which videos to show public or keep private.
Follow your favorite users and check their latest videos and updates at any time
Check your purchased videos and viewing history. You can see your web browser viewing history directly from the app!
You can easily upload videos saved on your smart phone. You can also choose which videos to show public or keep private.
Sort and filter search results to find videos that match your preference.
Protect your information from being seen by locking the app
You can watch with ease by disabling advertisements that could disturb your video viewing.
If you register as a premium member with the FC2 video app, you can update monthly by using the iTunes Store automatic renewal subscription.
Since payment can be made with iTunes Store, registering new card information is unnecessary.
Check out your followed users latest videos directly from the app!
Save your favorite videos in My Album and make it public to share with everyone!"
Videos that were viewed on the Smart Phone site and PC can be easily viewed in the app from your viewing history!