Chief Haldeman Urges Colonel Butterfield to Play Serial Experiments Lain.mp4Although it had been a considerable while since I uploaded anything here, this is due to me undertaking my Primary [and Lengthy] Creative Project, Abstruse Ushering of Triplanetary Gallicinium. I tend to feel guilty whenever I work on something unrelated to my Primary Creative Project whenever I do not have to deal with Real-Life Obligations. I worked on this video right before finishing the Black-and-White frames of Conversation 5.
The video itself is based on two things: the Creator of Serial Experiment Lain's alleged Right-Wing Views [] and an excerpt shared by the Worst Twitter Account []. Between these two excerpts, I figured Chief Haldeman would have loved Serial Experiments Lain if he lived long enough to see it. Although I made Chief Haldeman show off the PS1 Game Adaptation, Colonel Butterfield ultimately gives into playing the game.
The Super 8 Film Collection has a myriad of beautiful scenes, yet AviUTL cannot handle processing my downloads of them. I lost the AviUTL Project two times, and I finished the project right before AviUTL crashed again. Nevertheless, Films 39, 8, 36, 25, 20, S193, and S108b of Chief Haldeman's Super 8 Film Collection all were used within this video in that order. The song, if you are unfamiliar with Serial Experiments Lain, is Duvet by Bôa.