'THESE STREETS' (2009) A weapons awareness music videoâÂÂTHESE STREETSâ (2009) â Music video âÂÂTHESE STREETSâ is part of âÂÂNOT ON THESE STREETSâÂÂ, a weapons awareness online resource strand created by Access moving Image and the young people of Leeds. The strand consists of music videos and documentary films exploring the issue of gun & knife crime viewable online. PLEASE JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP (NOT ON THESE STREETS) MAKE A COMMENT, INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS! GO TO THE MYSPACE.COM/NOTONTHESESTREETS PAGE TO DOWNLOAD THE TRACKS BY CAG AND OTHER LEEDS ARTISTS FOR FREE! LISTEN TO THE TRACKS, PASS THEM ON BY BLUETOOTH ON YOUR MOBILE, AND PASS ON THE MESSAGE! This is an online resource of films exploring gun & knife crime that can be used by schools, community groups, educational groups, and anyone else who wishes to use the films to support a weapons awareness event. A copy of the DVD package can be requested by contacting our assistant producer Lee Ramseyer: lee@accessmovingimage.com/ 07814134313 Biographies of the featured artists and the track as a free downloadable MP3 can be found on the project myspace page â WWW.MYSPACE.COM/NOTONTHESESTREETS CONTACT INFORMATION Lee Ramseyer-Bache l Assistant Producer l Access Moving Image Limited | Leeds Media Centre l Savile Mount l LEEDS l LS7 3HZ l +44 (0) 113 2007044 l +44 (0) 07814 134313 l lee@accessmovingimage.com