Hasso Wuerslin's Hyper-Serialized, SF/Horror web series, DeadBooks.com is a new form of web entertainment. The 10 hour, 1st season features 30 actors, and 40 musical groups from around the world. Season 1 starts now.
Hasso Wuerslin's Hyper-Serialized, SF/Horror web series, The DeadBooks is a new form of web entertainment. The 10 hour, 1st season will feature 30 actors, and 40 musical groups from around the world. August 18 2008 launch date.
Hasso Wuerslin's Hyper-Serialized, SF/Horror web series, The DeadBooks is a new form of web entertainment. The 10 hour, 1st season will feature 30 actors, and 40 musical groups from around the world.
Hasso Wuerslin's Hyper-Serialized, SF/Horror series, The DeadBooks is a new form of web entertainment. The 10 hour, 1st season will feature 30 actors, and 40 musical groups from around the world.