In this video, I show you a Red Baron Peach Tree that Has Beautiful double Flowers. This variety has showy double flowers and it also produces good quality yellow peaches.
In this video, I show you a very early variety of peach tree that I have in a 15-gallon pot. What I like about it, is that it produces fruit very early in May. #peach #garden #orchard
Here, I show you a coco jujube tree and talk about the benefits of having one. Jujubes are recommended an anyone's garden because of their versatility. They are cold hardy, heat, and drought tolerant. #jujubes
In this video, I show you how you can plant your elephant garlic seeds and also eat them. With Elephant Garlic, you can truly have the cake and eat it too.# elephant #Garlic
In this video, I show you my peach trees and the peaches that are almost ready. I also talk about how I protect my peaches from birds and taste a white peach that I grew from seed. #peach
In this video, I show you an everbearing opuntia matudae xoconostle plant. They have beautiful flowers and delicious fruit that is widely used in Mexican Cuisine. #opuntia #xoconostle #matudae
In this video, I give you an update on my opuntia cactus plant that just started flowering. This variety grows very fast and has beautiful orange flowers. #gardening #cactus
In this video, I show you how this mouse was caught in a weird position which reminded me of the hard to kill mouse commercial. (Link to commercial at the end of video) #hardtokillmouse #mouse
In this video, I give you an update on my opuntia cactus plant that just started flowering. This variety grows very fast and has beautiful orange flowers. #gardening #cactus
In this video, I taste the fruit from my Lang jujube tree. I thought these were only good dried, but fresh are delicious too. #lang #jujube #garden #zone9
In this video, I taste the sugar cane jujube fruit. It is the sweetest jujube I have tasted so far. I talk about how it differs from the coco jujube. #sugarcane #jujube
In this video, I show you how to plant a bare root grapevine in a container. I go into detail what you must do to ensure the plant survives. #bareroot #bare-root #garden Don't forget to subscribe for updates on this and other plants in my garden!