Price comparison between Go Daddy and GDI for more information or to buy a website or start your free trial today.
I always get asked how GDI (Global Domains compares to Go Daddy when it comes to buying a website. Go Daddy sells websites like a car lot sells cars, so it's hard to really give a definitive answer as to exactly how much it cost to get a website from GoDaddy, But the short answer is Global Domains is definitely a better bang for the buck and much less expensive. GDI is $10 dollars a month with hosting, emails, parking and their site builder included just to name a few things you get with the services. Go Daddy on the other hand is not inexpensive at all. Even when you do a 3 year contract, you will definitely pay more than $120 a year with GDI. For a personal use website, you can't beat the deal you will get with GDI anywhere. If you ever wanted to buy a website, Global Domains International is the first place to go.