Cloud Defender Review and BonusesHere’s What You Get With CloudDefender: •The most up-to-date, comprehensive website security system available today – rest easy knowing your servers are secured with the same tools TOP authority sites are using • 4 essential, zero-cost plugins that will both protect your sites and optimize them for maximum speed, traffic and conversions •Step by step training broken down into over 15 actionable modules – including both written guides and screenshots – so you know EXACTLY how to secure both your servers and those of your clients • Quick Start Checklist – summarizes the setup process and lets you implement server security as fast as possible for both yourself and clients •Access to recommended, FREE apps to maximize site performance and lock down your server with 2 factor authentication •Pro Tips to have you up and running FAST and WITHOUT spending any extra money on things you don’t need •Developer rights so you can sell this security service as your very own, including the ability to rename and rebrand it as you wish for ongoing monthly income Details: