US/EU WoW Game Card Explot 3.1.1 Working: April 24th, 2009!**INSTRUCTIONS** This is a gamecard algorythm doubler for World of Warcraft 3.1.1 (9806). It basically makes the amount of gametime on your current unused card double the amount. LAST TESTED April 24, 2009. YOU WILL NEED AN UNUSED GAMECARD. INPUTTING AN USED GAMECARD CANNOT RETRIEVE OFFSETS FROM THE BLIZZARD SERVERS SO YOU WILL NOT BE EMAILED BACK. Open your e-mail client and fill in the info below. Send an email to: Email subject: /console /run /gm-gen.exe /1 Unused US or EU Gametime Code without -'s /EU or /US /YourEmailAdrressHere **THE EU AND US STAND FOR COUNTRY CODES! THE CONSOLE HAS A WAY OF TELLING THEM APART BUT THE EMAILS TAKE MUCH LONGER TO RECIEVE MAKE SURE YOU DESIGNATE ONE!** Example: /run /gm-gen.exe /5820 419652 74271 774523 3256 /US / Here's a picture of the before and after sent in by a friend of mine. BEFORE: AFTER: **IMPORTANT NOTE** NOTICE THE KEYS ARE BEING SENT BY BLIZZARD STAFF NOT BY ANY OTHER 3RD PARTY EMAIL ADDRESS! This is legit and NOT A SCAM like the similar videos out there! PROOF: **HOW IT WORKS AND HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT IT** Blizzard incorporates alot hash checks to their key servers but not towards Game Masters they need to be able to get on their client as soon as possible and for the longest periods of time they will allow so Blizzard set up this e-mail system for their administrators and game masters (GM's) and general staff to improve their service. You input your key the program assumes you're a staff member of Blizzard Inc. and you get an updated key.