3 numbers in 3 minutes: Attracting Women with T’s Dating TipsSo you're still sitting there thinking "Holy shit watching videos on you tube will help me"....well, they will. Be careful of too much learning though - you need the right education for pickup artistry, flirting and meeting women.
Think about it like this:
If i asked you to do a tax return, I'd give you 6 books to read about how to do it and by the end of them you'd be pretty darn good.
If I gave you 6 books to read about hitting a baseball, you finally go out, and try hitting a baseball you're still far from perfect.
This is like pickup, I have the right training for you in my online course but even this is nowhere near as potent as ACTUALLY GOING OUT WITH PUAs AND APPROACHING.
There's ways to make your life easier at http://www.seduceinseconds.com, lets get you up and going so you never have to have a tutorial again.
Go to http://www.seduceinseconds.com