1 of 2 I identified involved in MK Ultra British female who went on to proceed military career in US, her family, militzary regiment stationed in Yemen etc..mp4
2 of 2 It was American physician Dr. Ken Berry who selected fatty liver NFAD issue as a future deasease I would have to cope with and this 20 years ago already.mp4
It was American physician Dr. Ken Berry who selected fatty liver NFAD issue as a future disease I would have to cope with and this 20 years ago already
United Nations António Guterres's obligatory vacations spent with British royals since 1995 and how MK Ultra violence against me spread through British island since 1995
Planted with open box of C vitamins which I purchased at DM store and closest I could get to spiked fruit treas as per who and how have done it during MK Ultra torture
Notranje ministrstvo in policija Slovenije po 28 letih nerazresenih IN vnaprej planiranih spletk trdijo ces da jih politika nikoli vec ne sme nadvladovati
In Slovenian language involved in MK ULTRA and identified man and his employers near postal office and at the hospital identified man and his son whose brother and son are in Canada June 21st, 2022
Visit to father on Tuesday June 21st, 2022 when was told one will be transferred to home for elderly people on Thursday and therefore no need for me to obtain
MK ULTRA 2 of 2 During hospital visit to father, man from 35 kilometers distant Gabrovka village his family and previous employer from Ljubljana identified