AIDS_Russian_21.09.2008.wmvDestruction of HIV in blood system of the man will lead to drama consequences for mankind.
The genome of the man is the complex lock.
The HIV is a key from a genome of the man.
That the key of a genome of the man worked correctly, it is necessary to use two additional keys. Additional keys are in blood of the certain animals.
Three keys simultaneously applied on a genome man will translate a human genome in a condition of readiness to the beginning of gene transformation.
Transformation of a genome of the man begins at awakening of genes of four elements - a gene of fire, a gene of water, a gene of the ground, gene of air.
Transformation of own genome is applicability the man. This that - what for the man has been sent to this world.
The man can activate genome with AIDS and two additional keys.
How to use AIDS to live very long without diseases.