El Paso TimesEl Paso Times - http://elpasoauto.us/ Making the Emotional Connection Early For some time there has been a battle in sales psychology or compromises as to which techniques work best in influencing or persuading the public. By now everyone has had some experience where they came to the end of the road and decision time was upon them. Traditionally a person may break down the process of whether they should follow their minds their heart or to complicate matters worst their souls. What if however there was a way to integrate all three into a consistent method yielding great satisfaction in any concluded resolution we may be dealing with in our lives. I have found over the years that the people making the wisest large ticket item purchases without regret have always been the ones that had all of their inner being at maximum alignment or that is with less conflict as far as their inner peace is concerned. But how do we get to that place when we have the most difficult life decisions to make. I spell every detail out in the video's techniques. For example, many of us struggle between short medium and long range goals. There are many gurus that state that there must be a definite deadline to completion but is that always the case? Are there areas of our lives that we are barely beginning to discover that perhaps may require a little more time for successful completion? I believe there is as well as different contexts that we may have to consider before even attempting the completion of certain goals. In all of this we should keep in mind what our ultimate goal should be and that is the ever increasing state of being happy. http://youtu.be/_GESvwNk-a0