- Here's a 'like new' Boss RC-20 that I bought for a short 10 day US tour. It's now for sale on ebay at - Here's another surplus stock music gear item on auction at ebay. A Torque TMP 150 Powered Monitor (built in amp). Great for bass and keyboard as well as foldback duties. - Here's another surplus stock music gear item on auction at ebay. It's a mint condition Roland RD 600 Piano Keyboard (pre RD700 model) eBay Auction - Here's another surplus stock music gear item on No Res auction at ebay. It's a Left Handed Telecaster Body in natural finish. Newborn Sleep system for Baby, tested and proven in the USA, Europe and Australia shows in as little as 35 mins how to get baby to sleep soundly through the night. New Fussy Baby sleep system, tested and proven in the USA, Europe and Australia shows in as little as 35 minutes how to get your baby to sleep soundly all night. New baby sleep system, tested and proven in the USA, Europe and Australia shows in as little as 35 minutes how to get your baby to sleep soundly through the night. - Here's another surplus stock music gear item on auction at ebay. It's a Boss ME20 Guitar Multi Effects processor almost new used only for a 3 week house concert tour - Here's another surplus stock music gear item on No Res auction at ebay. It's a Boss ME20 Guitar Multi Effects Pedal almost new used only for a 3 week house concert tour