Tellman Knudson suddenly knew what he had to do to make his own personal fortune: he would create an internet subscription site. Tellman Knudson called his venture "List Crusade." With his new plan firmly in mind, Tellman Knudson began emailing the major players in the internet marketing circles. Tellman Knudson is the CEO of several internet businesses, including Overcome Everything Inc., and The internet presents a golden opportunity for all people who want to achieve financial freedom and Tellman Knudson can show you how to make the most of it. Tellman Knudson is an internet guru and multimillionaire who can show you what do to be successful on your own internet business by spending only a few hours a week. Determined to overcome his disabilities, Tellman Knudson learned how to use his ADHD to his advantage. Tellman was able to harness the energy that his ADHD generated. Tellman Knudson realized that he would not be able to make the type of income he needed so decided to switch his focus to neuro-linguistic programming and hypnotherapy. Tellman Knudson was able to build a practice of eight offices around New Hampshire. His practice helped people overcome learning disabilities.