Artist's ManifestoNo. 1: Waiting is to delay. It denies all potential art that comes from nothingness. Do not wait on inspiration, on motivation, on a time in which you are sane or happy. Let art be born from the bothered mind. No. 2: There's no room for perfection. If you create something you aren't fond of; simply move on and create more. Don't dwell on one thing for too long if it's going no where. No. 3: Steal ideas. There is no need to constantly strive for originality. Even if you think you've come up with an original idea, it has most likely been thought of already. Originality will come through the process of creating. No. 4: Ch-ch-changes are your best friend. If you're bored with what you're doing, don't feel compelled to continue. Abandon, kill your boundaries, and experience the plethora of things this world has to offer. No. 5: Relying on an altered state of mind to find creativity or to numb ones self is short term and will end in the dissatisfaction of your work, dissatisfaction of your surroundings, and most importantly: dissatisfaction of yourself.