Meet Nugget4:40 minutes 142.7 MB QuickTime Movie testing for text legibility-No file size restrictions. But be prepared to spend a lot of time waiting if using this website for publishing from a Mac. You need three programs loaded on your computer before loading their player to your computer. And after all of that I was not able to upload this video from their recommended player. Make sure you close out of Safari & Firefox (the plug-in they recommend does not work-big time waster!) I was able to upload with Flock browser. Make sure you create a new channel and the flash player is connected before uploading your video. It took about 45 minutes to upload and about two hours before it was ready to view on the channel site. It took about a day just to figure out how to upload. I am still waiting to hear from their support center.If you are interested in the encoding settings I used for iMovie send me a message and I’ll send those on to you. Less hassle uploading from iMovie 08 to YouTube