Cheslie wasn't expecting to make a switch to Straight Talk and that's possibly the options and savings really made sense. Cheslie simply thought of his family and a way to save and Straight Talk fit them perfectly.
Misty is one of those people who needed to talk, but was finding it hard to afford. Now, thanks to Straight Talk, she can actually afford to talk and keep doing it.
Howard wasted loads of time and money on options that just didn't suit his needs...until he expanded his options. That need to expand lead him directly to Straight Talk and there, Howard has all the freedom and options he never had before.
Dave wasn't always so vocal about saving money or even cell phones, but Straight Talk seems to have changed that for him. Take a listen to Dave's story and maybe his story might become yours.
...and why should he? For the first time, Fred has found an option that allows him to talk whenever and for however long he likes and there are no worries. Interested in Fred's Straight Talk sroy?
...of being in charge of his own bills every month and that's thanks to Straight Talk. Garry now has a steady bill to face each month that he can raise and lower based his needs and nothing else.
Wally was stuck and by that, I mean Wally was stuck with a bill he couldn't control until he found Straight Talk. Take a listen to how Wally fixed his bill situtation and started taking control.