Video blog episode 1.75 (to tide you over until episode 2). I did a flaming sambuca shot (or two) the other night - you take the sambuca shot in your mouth and light it on fire. It didn't hurt at all! The low quality is due to the fact that it was taken with a camera phone.
Video blog episode 1.5 (to tide you over until episode 2). This is what I spend my weekends doing - frolicking on the beach. Filmed at Wind N Sea in La Jolla.
The first episode of my video blog. I go to a baseball game and maul things! It sounds like I lisp in the first few seconds, but it was just bad audio.
Tuesday nights at the Beauty Bar is Adventures in Succe$$. This was my footage, minus the interview with Joe. This was also my first time hosting, recording and editing :D (better quality, brightened)
Tuesday nights at the Beauty Bar is Adventures in Succe$$. This is my complete footage: interview and bar shots. Also my first time filming, editing, hosting :)
Tuesday nights at the Beauty Bar is Adventures in Succe$$. This was my footage, minus the interview with Joe. This was also my first time hosting, recording and editing :D