Hey guys, I got a shiny new Casio Exilim S-10 that shoots video in 848x480. That's a bit better than a DVD.
You spoke, I listened and better videos are on the way. No more choppy movements, hard to hear audio and all that jazz. It's gonna be sweet
Have you ever wonderedâ¦
How much is 5 Gigabytes anyway?
How do I get out of a contract?
Will my aircard I get fit my laptop?
Where can I get free aircards?
Learn it all in this free 4 lesson E-Course
Part 1: I cover our wireless solution survey that recommends a mobile broadband carrier to fit your needs.
Part 2: I cover 3 places to get cheap (and free) aircards.
Here you can find a comparison of the major cellphone companies (Sprint, Verizon, Alltel, AT&T and T-Mobile) that provide wireless broadband cards and service.
http://www.mobile-broadband-reviews.com/alltel-wireless-internet.html for the full details.
Alltel excels in features such as an unlimited data plan and WiFi add-ons. Most other aspects rank around average.
http://www.mobile-broadband-reviews.com/verizon-wireless-broadband.html for the full details. Verizon Wireless Broadband is one of the best services out there right now. Only con is a restrictive contract
http://www.mobile-broadband-reviews.com/t-mobile-wireless.html for the full details. T-Mobile Wireless Internet is cheaper than others but not very fast. It's 3G network footprint is virtually non-existent.
http://www.mobile-broadband-reviews.com/sprint-mobile-broadband.html for full details. Overall, we give Sprint Mobile Broadband service 4 out of 5 stars. Ratings are based on cost, speed, coverage, reliability, and customer service.
http://www.mobile-broadband-reviews.com/att-wireless-internet.html - AT&T Wireless Broadband (Mobile Broadband) service gets 3 out of 5 stars. Ratings are based on cost, speed, coverage, reliability, and customer service.
http://www.mobile-broadband-reviews.com/Aircard - Here I cover three places you can go to get consistently good prices on Aircards (sometimes free depending on the week).
I touch a bit on the background behind each company, and how to navigate through the site to get mobile broadband cards.
http://www.mobile-broadband-reviews.com/WhatIsAircard - Find out what an aircard is, the different types of aircards, as well as pros and cons of each.
http://www.mobile-broadband-reviews.com provides reviews of AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, Alltel & T-Mobile. Stay up to date on who has the best speed, coverage, cost, and customer service.