We try to do good thing for our-selves,family,and others as well, and we should keep doing so,But we need to learn what our CREATOR likes for us do do...
We all must help to teach Our-selves and OTHERS as well, yet we MUST Walk the walk of what we teach as mush as posible....insh'Allah. www.angelfire.com/nt/liveon More Great concepts
We love Allah (God), and He is like a father and Much more...,BUT HE is not our father and HE does NOT have a son. www.angelfire.com/nt/liveon More Great concepts
All living things has an energy that Pushes and Pushes it to keep Living NO mater WHAT...this is a Great thing... www.angelfire.com/nt/liveon More Great concepts
A verbal looks like a verb and sounds like a verb ....but it is NOT a Verb. ><a href="http://www.amazon.com/Learning-English-Easy-you-concepts-ebook/dp/B00WL5AJ3K/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1430703260&sr=8-2&keywords=yacub+saafir"><font size="+7">Learning English...Easy as you T H I N K..on amazon</a></font>
For Parts of Speech....... Please go to: http://ptofspeech.blogspot.com/
Before we leave this life, we mush do our BEST to raise our Heart and SOUL because we all will have to answer for what we did in the Beautiful Life's Experience. www.angelfire.com/nt/liveon More Great concepts
Yes,we have today already, so let's be thankful and even share it with others as well, insh'Allah ( God Willing). www.angelfire.com/nt/liveon More Great concepts
Learn to love your CREATOR, then your-self and then others as well,and perhaps, insh'Allah ( God willing)the growing pains will become easyer.
www.angelfire.com/nt/liveon More Great concepts
Yes! You too can go to college. Passing the SAT, compass, assest or other college entry test can be done once you know more about the nature of them....Please see me at: http://www.angelfire.com/nt/liveon/collegesucceekit.htm
Yes! You too can go to college. Passing the SAT, compass, assest or other college entry test can be done once you know more about the nature of them....Please see me at: http://www.angelfire.com/nt/liveon/collegesucceekit.htm
><a href="http://www.amazon.com/Learning-English-Easy-you-concepts-ebook/dp/B00WL5AJ3K/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1430703260&sr=8-2&keywords=yacub+saafir"><font size="+7">Learning English...Easy as you T H I N K..on amazon</a></font>
Please e-mail me for more yacub333@yahoo.com Allah-U-Abarr (God Is GREAT) A CD with a small booklet covering Basic English Grammar
Flowers certainly adds beauty and joy to our lives; Why did Allah (God) give us these!!!<a href="http://www.broadjam.com/artists/artistindex.asp?artistID=38818"><img src="http://www.broadjam.com/demo/myspace/banners/125x125/banner1b.jpg" width="125" height="125" border="0"></a>
By really looking around, you will certinly agree, that this world has much to offer and that we are the ones who Must be felled with love and peace or sadness and ungratifullness... <a href="http://www.broadjam.com/artists/artistindex.asp?artistID=38818"><img src="http://www.broadjam.com/demo/myspace/banners/125x125/banner1b.jpg" width="125" height="125" border="0"></a>
don't be fooled, Life here is not the Last Stop....<a href="http://www.broadjam.com/artists/artistindex.asp?artistID=38818"><img src="http://www.broadjam.com/demo/myspace/banners/125x125/banner1b.jpg" width="125" height="125" border="0"></a>