We take the guys out to meet women during the day in Santa Monica. Find out how they did, and see their reactions afterwards. Part 2 of 2. We pulled 3 lucky guys out of the audience at David DeAngelo's Man Transformation Program to get personally taught by us and we took them out during the daytime to talk to all kinds of hot women. Part 1 of 2. Lance explains the importance of the first impression when meeting women and demonstrates his 1-2-3 backpocket opener. Please visit for more free videos from Lance and the PickUp 101 instructors.
Daniel Johnson of PickUp 101 meets a cute girl on the sidewalk and gets her phone number while her boyfriend waits. Get full-length videos by going to the PickUp 101 website. to watch the full-length version of Lance's hidden camera video. You also get an in-depth "play by play" video commentary breaking down exactly WHAT Lance does and WHY it works.