Patricia Hamilton, author of Healthy California, a jewel of a book for the traveler who wants to eat healthy while enjoying their favorite places to visit in the Sunshine state!
International best selling author Dr. Earl Mindell talks to Best Selling Author host Rey Ybarra about his latest book, Nutrition and Health For Your Dogs.
International best selling author Byron Katie discusses her ground breaking and phenomenal book Loving What Is with host Rey Ybarra from the historic Brand Bookshop in Glendale California.
Rey Ybarra covered the recent meeting of ‘The Book Publicists of Southern California’ and he was amazed at the turnout at this special holiday event at none other than the Sportman’s Lodge in Studio City. He was able to make acquaintances of many of the newest best selling authors on the block. He got tied up in traffic but received a warm welcome upon his arrival from personal guests and authors alike of Hollywood’s most famous publicist Irwin Zucker. They decked the halls with balls of holly, had a fabulous dinner and informative speaker session afterwards. Rey was able to make the newbies feel at ease as they spoke with glee about their new creations on the marketplace.
Rey Ybarra covered the recent meeting of ‘The Book Publicists of Southern California’ and he was amazed at the turnout at this special holiday event at none other than the Sportman’s Lodge in Studio City. He was able to make acquaintances of many of the newest best selling authors on the block. He got tied up in traffic but received a warm welcome upon his arrival from personal guests and authors alike of Hollywood’s most famous publicist Irwin Zucker. They decked the halls with balls of holly, had a fabulous dinner and informative speaker session afterwards. Rey was able to make the newbies feel at ease as they spoke with glee about their new creations on the marketplace.
Rey Ybarra covered the recent meeting of ‘The Book Publicists of Southern California’ and he was amazed at the turnout at this special holiday event at none other than the Sportman’s Lodge in Studio City. He was able to make acquaintances of many of the newest best selling authors on the block. He got tied up in traffic but received a warm welcome upon his arrival from personal guests and authors alike of Hollywood’s most famous publicist Irwin Zucker. They decked the halls with balls of holly, had a fabulous dinner and informative speaker session afterwards. Rey was able to make the newbies feel at ease as they spoke with glee about their new creations on the marketplace.
Best Selling Author Doctor Stewart Lonky discusses his book, Invisible Killers with host Rey Ybarra on Best Selling Author Television. For those of you who are interested in eliminating the toxins in your home and environment, this interview should be of the utmost importance!
No Sun Without Shadow author Roger SeLegue drops by the Brand Bookshop in beautiful Glendale California to talk to Rey Ybarra about his novel based on the Albert Camus essay, The Myth of Sissyphus. It is quite a novel about the absurdities of life and trying to find meaning in a meaningless relationship and job!
Cos Dell, Author of The Way discusses his life and work on location in the beautiful hills in Glendale. You will enjoy his ground breaking book and his incredible life story!
Rey Ybarra interviews Zumex! For all of you who love orange juice you will love this interview. This technology for making fresh squeezed orange juice is truly phenomenal.