Teito Monogatari (1988) part 1The movie based on the long series of novels written by Hiroshi Aramata. The live-action film is an adaptation of the first four novels of the Teito Monogatari series (out of a current total of 12). In 1991, it was remade into the OVA anime series Doomed Megalopolis. Directed by Akio Jissoji Produced by Takashige Ichise Akio Jissoji Written by Kaizo Hayashi Hiroshi Aramata (Novel) Starring Shintaro Katsu Kyusaku Shimada Mieko Harada Junichi Ishida Music by Maki Ishii Cinematography Masao Nakabori Editing by Keniichi Uraoka Studio Exe Distributed by Toho. The rights belongs to Exe and Toho. And i can't upload the english subtitles.