Vishnu Sahasranama Vishnusahasranama Stotram The Greatest Hindu philosopher of India, Adi Shankaracharya, wrote the Bhashya (word-to-word meaning) of the 1000 names of Vishnu that are there in this sahasranama stotra, in the 6th century ad. The story of writing this is also an interesting one. Actually, being a great Devi devotee he wanted to write the commentary on the Lalita sahasranama stotra and asked a deciple to bring the text. The dicple brought the Vishnu sahasranama text. Twice this mistake was repeated and then Shree Shankaracharya heard a Divine voice asking him to write the commentary on the Vishnu sahasranama. The Stotra is narrated by Carnatic singers whose voices are really melidious