Part 1 of a multi part series on using film. We're going through the process of loading the camera to making a print. In this episode we'll look at the Holga, how it works and other general info on shooting film.
Composition part two - an extension of Episode 5 :: Rule of Thirds. Today we'll look at application of the golden section in composition and explore some of the work of Henri Cartier-Bresson.
In this episode we discuss the work of Robert Frank and his importance in the 20th century as last year celebrates the 50th Anniversary of his famous book, the Americans.
This is the beginning of a multi part series about lenses. In this first episode we'll look at prime vs zoom lenses and some of the things that go into their design.
Part 2 of a 3 part series. This week we talk about Aperture, what it is, how it relates to exposure and how you can use it to control the look of your image.
Part 1 of a 3 part series, Episode 6 explains what exposure is and what you're looking for in an optimal exposure. Next we'll cover aperture followed by shutter speed.
By viewer request - an explanation of film formats (black and white, color negative and slide film) as well as film sizes (35mm, medium format and 4x5).