The Chipmunks - Heaven is a Place on EarthSIGN MY PETITION:
This is personally my favorite Chipmunks vid I've ever made, which is why I'm uploading it first. I'm going to upload all the rest of my vids one by one in hopes that I'll manage to get all the Chipmunk-fans together and get them to spread this around and branch out and pull in as many people as we can to spread around my petiton.
It's very important that we reach 100,000 signatures (big dream, but my VERY unrealistic dream is a million. My realistic dream is a thousand). Anyone and everyone that may possibly sign needs to be told. So please....spread it around! We need to take a stand for what's right.
And please note: The petition isn't 'against' the new movie. The petition is FOR more cartoons. Just so long as they clean up the pointless (and not-funny) toilet humor, I don't care much for the live-action ones. They bore me. The cartoons, however, branch to everyone I know (mostly through the Chipmunk Adventure).