Who are you spending time with? Is it with other people that truly support and inspire you? Is it with people that bring out the best in you? Your success depends on the answers to these questions. Regardless if you recognize or not our lifestyle are usually designed by the choices we make. They determine our achievements and failures. Inevitably we choose how to live our life and/or create our life's path. We all have heard the saying, "If you keep doing what you doing, you'll keep getting what you getting." This video tells us how to change our ways in order to change our life. Wondered why people are more effective in getting what they want in life? What are they doing that makes them effective? They've made up in their minds that there are no limitations for their dreams. While it always does seem like the grass is greener on the other side, just remember â there is a trade off once you get there. And when you get to the other side, you just may wanna come back.